Sometimes, after work on plastering of various surfaces, various kinds of defects appear on it. Why, this is happening, and what, it is defects that are manifested? Let’s answer these questions. It can immediately be noted that all defects are manifested, only due to impaired process of preparing a plaster solution, or incorrect and illiterate work. If you need office cleaning in St. Petersburg, then follow the link. There you can order a high -quality and fast office cleaning at affordable prices.1. a list of defects that can form on plastered surfaces.• Cracks are small.• Cracks are large.• shrinkage cracks.• bloating of plastering solution.• exfoliation of plaster solution.
2. The causes of defects. The causes of defects, on the plastered surfaces, many and the most common of them are: • poorly prepared surface on which the solution is applied (greasy, dry, wet, dirty); • The proportion that make up the components is not designed to prepare a plaster, cement solution ( An increase in the amount of cement in the solution leads to the appearance on the surface of shrinkage cracks); • drafts, and a high temperature in the room (this leads to an accelerated drying of the surface, as a result of which small and large cracks may appear); • premature application of other coating (low layers a solution, can cause a layer exfoliation); • applying a solution to a lime solution, also leads to its exfoliation; • too humid lime solution, or inherent linen lime lime; • applying a cement mortar,on a previously plastered surface with a gypsum base.
Here are the main causes (but not all), the occurrence of defects. By eliminating them, you can make a high -quality finish of any surfaces.