The very first and main detail of the apartment is the front door that not only passes our friends, but also protects from uninvited guests. The front door should be not only beautiful, but also reliable and meet different criteria.
The metal door should have any deformations and distortions. Locking system should be as reliable as possible. Sound insulation and door insulation is also a lot of important factor. But still the level of protection depends on how the door was installed and how high the work was.
For example, to install a steel door, initially metal pins are driven into the wall, and only after that the door box itself is welded. Well, in order to improve the quality of heat and sound insulation, you can use different methods: add additional, place additional fibers for insulation or use more bulky material in manufacture. There is a branch in the door production system: imported and domestic. The main differences here are quality and pricing policy.
Many companies producing doors give a guarantee only when installing their own specialist, because quality and long -termness depends on the correct installation.