The roof installation in the cold season is carried out as follows. First, you need to prepare the base under the roof. If ice has formed on it, it must be eliminated using table salt and sawdust, and then – clean and dried with a firing air heater. Next, work is performed on laying rolled shelter. Before strengthening insulation, they must be dried. Fanding heaters are dried with electric heating in the utility room. To dry the slab insulation, it is recommended to use metal racks placed in warm dry utility rooms as dryers. Rolled panels at frosty temperature are allowed to stick both on the cement-sand base and on the base made of sheets with a single-layer coating.
To prevent the hardening of roof membranes, their storage must be carried out in a warm room, taking out in the frost only the amount that is necessary for the daily installation rate. Mastic in winter is carried out on the roof only in a warm container. With the onset of spring, it is imperative to check the joints of membranes for tightness, which can pass water due to a slowdown in the polymerization of glue during the installation of the roof in the winter season.
What can not be done
Firstly, when conducting roofing work in winter, the use of bitumen-lakes-emulsions is inappropriate in winter. Secondly, asbestos-cement and tiled roofs are not allowed to smear at the seams of cement-sand mortar. Thirdly, it is forbidden to install collars from cement-sand composition.