All specialists who are engaged in the installation of wooden windows say that it is necessary to comply with several simple rules during installation.
Installers use two methods of fastening window frames. You can fix the window directly through the box or use the anchor boards and bolts. Of course, the second method is used more often, since it is much easier, but some experienced installers try to fix the window directly through the box in order to reduce the load on the plastic.
You also need to remove all the wings and double -glazed windows from the frame. Installers advise marching all the stalks removed. Then they put them on the same place. Of course, you can not mark stacks, but then you will have to spend more time to fix the double -glazed windows.
Squeezing panels should be cut in advance along the length of the slopes so as not to be mistaken in a hurry. Of course, the cost of the slope is not too large, but it is better not to spoil the material with an incorrect cut.
Experts advise very seriously to install a wooden window. It is necessary to use a special plumb line with absolute axial symmetry. Of course, many installers use the bar, but experts say that the accuracy of the indication of this level is not too high. Also, you should not use a water level that our grandfathers often used. You will not be able to install the window even if you do not buy a special plumb line.
If you have never set the windows yourself, then you should invite experienced installers, since only they can correctly install your window and make a neat finish. During their work, you can observe the installation process and gain experience.